Astute and sensitive insolvency, restructuring and tax law advice, driven only by the desire to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

AXM Law prides itself on providing highly tailored solutions to insolvency and business restructuring scenarios.

We think out-of-the-box and draw on decades of experience in insolvency, trusts and tax law to efficiently address any insolvency challenge, to put you and your business on a fresh financial footing.

Such tailored and sophisticated structuring advice, sensitive to your particular needs, is not as expensive as you might imagine, and often ends up being far less costly, and carries far less legal risk, than the “one-size-fits-all” approach to insolvency promoted by much of the industry.

Tax Law

Alex Moriarty presently also heads up AXM Law's tax team. He is an accomplished tax and revenue lawyer, with over 20 years’ experience providing tax advice, advising on objections and tax litigation experience in both the AAT and Federal Court.

He previously acted both for the ATO and OSR when, as a litigation partner at the national firm, TressCox, he was its lead partner on the ATO’s and OSR's litigation panels in Brisbane.  AXM Law now only acts for private clients against the ATO when required.  


Case Study - Insolvency

Case Study

AXM Law was approached during the Covid-19 pandemic by a major hospitality venue operator whose two venues were insolvent as a result of ongoing lockdowns, with more than $1 million owed to the ATO, as well as other liabilities. The operator had been approached by other lawyers and numerous “pre-insolvency” and restructuring advisors, who promoted costly solutions including immediate voluntary administration and liquidation of one or more group companies. 

Instead, by utilising our superior expertise in insolvency, trusts and tax law, and by using the owner's existing trading trust structure, the client was able to carefully, inexpensively and efficiently restructure the group's affairs, including by:

  • obtaining two independent market valuations for one of the businesses (at depressed covid prices);
  • changing trustees of a trust;
  • selling both businesses at market value, including one to a new, ‘clean’ trustee company still owned and controlled by the original owner;
  • formally objecting to and successfully writing off six-figure penalties and interest with the ATO;
  • ultimately liquidating the old corporate trustee but which, by then, was an assetless shell, with the liquidator having no legal recourse to any of the businesses in this situation. 

A far superior outcome was achieved compared to an external administration or knee-jerk liquidation, without the owner ever losing control of his businesses, and at a fraction of the cost.

  • Prof. Dr H Samaratunga

    Owner of Aquesta Specialised Uropathology

    AXM Law is my law firm of choice. Alex Moriarty recently assisted me with some difficult and complex legacy issues in one of my companies, caused by January 2011 flood damage to its commercial premises, resulting in substantial po...

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  • Armourcon Group

    The Managing Director, Armourcon Group 

    In 2019, a construction company in my group was forced to cease trading due to a major contract dispute, leaving up to $2 million in liabilities including to the ATO. I sought the advice of pre-insolvency professionals who reco...

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